In the “back 40” of the Services Plus, Inc. facility grounds, nestled into a few acres of wild land zoned for industrial use on the east side of Green Bay, Wisconsin, we keep bees.
We care about our pollinators. The land around Services Plus plays a pivotal role in the lives of our honeybees. The open spaces of Northeast Wisconsin have a wide range of diverse, native flowering plants, allowing bees to forage for nectar and pollen, and facilitating the reproduction of countless plant species and our location - though zoned as industrial - offers access to all of this for our bees. Honeybees, while not native to Wisconsin themselves, are an important contributor to the health of our state’s crops and wild plants and we’re proud to be a part of this natural process by providing our bees with a great place to live. In fact, one out of every three bites of food we eat depends on pollination by animals like bees! This means that bees are responsible for a staggering one-third of our global food supply.
We make our own honey! In addition to the benefits of helping pollinators, we get to enjoy and share the sweet efforts of our bees in the form of honey. Local honey from right here in Northeast Wisconsin is not just for our beekeepers to enjoy - we share our apiary’s gold with our customers, vendors, and employees.
We do our best to be environmentally aware. Beekeeping promotes environmental stewardship. By Services Plus, Inc. helping our area in maintaining a healthy bee population, we are able to contribute to the conservation of native plant species and the preservation of biodiversity. We don’t just show we care about the environment by keeping bees: Services Plus, Inc. was able to recycle 99.7% of our total waste stream for Q1 2024 - this means we were able to divert hundreds of tons of material from the landfill!
Beekeeping is a Services Plus, Inc. hobby and one we plan on continuing for years to come. As we continue to learn more about our bees and raise them for the benefit of both people and the planet, we notice and care about the little things in life more and more. If you’d like to know more about the Services Plus hives or our honey, please reach out to “talk bees”!
